How To Breath While Mewing In 7 Simple Steps
March 27th, 2024
Learning how to breathe while mewing is a crucial aspect of proper tongue posture, and this blog will guide you on how to achieve it. Properly breathing while mewing can enhance your facial structure and boost oral health, among other benefits. Let's dive into how you can incorporate this in your daily life with simple mewing tools and techniques.
Table of Contents
Can I Breath While Mewing?

When mewing, breathing should not be a concern. Mewing does not obstruct the airways; it simply requires you to keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth. While maintaining the correct tongue posture, you should be able to breathe easily through your nose. Mewing does require you to keep your mouth closed. If you find it difficult to breathe properly while mewing, you may need to adjust your tongue posture.
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Reasons Why You Can't Breath While Mewing

Nasal Congestion
If you find it difficult to breathe while mewing, nasal congestion could be the culprit. A blocked nose would naturally make it hard to breathe through your mouth, which is necessary while practicing mewing. To address this issue, it's important to deal with the underlying cause of the nasal congestion.
Incorrect Tongue Posture
Pressing your tongue too hard against the roof of your mouth can block your airway, making it challenging to breathe while mewing. This incorrect tongue posture can also lead to other problems like a locked jaw and misaligned teeth.
Anatomical Factors
Anatomical factors such as a deviated septum or a narrow air passageway might be contributing to your difficulty breathing. These issues may become more apparent while mewing due to the specific tongue and mouth positioning required for the technique.
Orofacial Disorders
Individuals with orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) may face difficulty breathing while mewing. OMDs can impact muscle development in the mouth and face area, affecting breathing patterns. If you suffer from OMDs, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before engaging in mewing.
Mouth Breathing
Mewing requires breathing through your nose with your mouth closed and lips sealed. If you are attempting to breathe through your mouth while practicing mewing, you are doing it wrong. The technique necessitates nasal breathing to achieve the desired results.
Respiratory Issues
Underlying respiratory conditions like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can make it challenging to breathe through your nose while mewing. These conditions may exacerbate difficulties, highlighting the importance of addressing any respiratory issues before practicing mewing.
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How To Breath While Mewing in 7 Simple Steps

1. Relax
Before starting to mew, it is essential to relax your jaw and facial muscles. Taking some deep breaths to calm and prepare yourself for mewing will help you achieve a better mewing experience.
2. Close Your Mouth
Sealing your lips is crucial for proper mewing. Your lips should remain sealed at all times while you are mewing to ensure that you are breathing correctly.
3. Make the "N" Sound
While keeping your lips closed, position your tongue as if you are making the "N" sound. This step helps to engage the tongue correctly while mewing.
4. Position Your Tongue
Keeping the tongue in the "N" position, let it touch the roof of your mouth. Ensure that the tip of your tongue is placed behind the front teeth and the back of the tongue is also touching the roof.
5. Maintain a Proper Body Posture
Mewing becomes more manageable with proper body posture. Your back should be straight while mewing to ensure that you are getting the most out of your mewing practice.
6. Imaginary Swallowing and Chewing
To improve your mewing technique, act as if you are swallowing and chewing while keeping your tongue attached to the roof of your mouth. This will help integrate nasal breathing into the mewing process.
7. Stay Aware
Beginners should stay aware of their breathing pattern while mewing. Notice if you are able to breathe through your nose properly while mewing, as this is an essential aspect of proper mewing technique.
LooksMax AI helps you to become more attractive
All you have to do is take a selfie, and LooksMax analyzes your masculinity, jawline, eyes, hair, skin, and other features. We rate you out of 10 based on this. The next step is to learn how to look better. Looksmax provides tips to help you to become more attractive.
Here are some example tips for hair health improvement:
Use shampoo 2x a week
Avoid paraben and sulfate conditioners
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With these tips, you can become your most attractive self.
Become more attractive with LooksMax AI — download LooksMax on the App Store or Google Play for free today to start your journey towards becoming more attractive and ‘Chad-like’.
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What Should Breathing While Mewing Feel Like

The first thing to understand about breathing while mewing is that it should not feel uncomfortable. The goal here is to breathe naturally and easily, just as you would when engaging in any other activity. Although, in the beginning, you might feel some pressure across the middle of your face, jaws, and chin.
This is because your tongue muscles are working to maintain the correct posture. Once your muscles adjust to this new way of positioning themselves, this pressure should subside. It might also take time to adjust to the feeling of your tongue pressing against the roof of your mouth, but this too should become more natural with practice.
Ensure Nasal Airflow and Even Tongue Distribution
Another key point to remember is that your nasal airflow should feel free in and out of your nostrils. If you are having trouble breathing through your nose while mewing, it could be a sign that something is off. In this case, you might want to consider speaking with a medical professional for guidance.
The proper tongue posture while mewing should involve having the tongue evenly distributed across the roof of your mouth. This helps to provide support for the jaw, face, and skull, promoting proper alignment and growth. It also allows the tongue to exert gentle pressure on the palate, which helps to expand the upper arch.
By practicing proper breathing techniques while mewing, you can ensure that you are reaping the benefits of this practice while keeping your body in a state of relaxation and ease.
Does Mewing Improve Breath?
Mewing can significantly help to improve breathing patterns. By encouraging nasal breathing, mewing helps us to breathe more efficiently. Nasal breathing has many benefits, such as filtering out pathogens and impurities in the air and improving oxygen intake.
Enhanced Tongue Positioning
Proper tongue posture is crucial for good breathing patterns. When we mew, the tongue rests on the roof of the mouth. This not only helps to shape the face but also encourages correct jaw alignment and airway opening. Improving tongue positioning can lead to a more open airway, making it easier to breathe.
Treating Sleep Apnea
Mewing can be a potential treatment for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when the upper airway collapses during sleep, leading to pauses in breathing. By engaging in mewing, the face's muscles become more toned. This can prevent the airway from collapsing during sleep and reduce the chances of sleep apnea.
Forcing the Upper Airway to Open Up and Expand
As you mew, the tongue is pushed up against the palate. This action not only helps in facial development but also forces the upper airway to open up and expand. A more open airway can lead to improved breathing patterns and overall health benefits.
Improving Orofacial Muscle Function
The act of mewing can help to improve orofacial muscle function. By strengthening these muscles, mewing may help to improve breathing patterns. Improving muscle function in the face and mouth can have a positive impact on how we breathe.
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LooksMax AI helps you to become more attractive. All you have to do is take a selfie, and LooksMax analyzes your masculinity, jawline, eyes, hair, skin, and other features. We rate you out of 10 based on this. The next step is to learn how to look better. Looksmax provides tips to help you to become more attractive.
Here are some example tips for hair health improvement:
Use shampoo 2x a week
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With these tips, you can become your most attractive self.
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Once you have your rating, the next step is to learn how to look better. LooksMax offers personalized tips to help you enhance your overall appearance and become the best version of yourself. For example, if you are looking to improve the health of your hair, you might receive tips such as using shampoo twice a week, avoiding paraben and sulfate conditioners, and incorporating scalp massages into your routine. By following these suggestions, you can boost your attractiveness and work towards achieving a more appealing look.
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