man posing for a shoot - How Long Should You Mew Per Day

How Long Should You Mew Per Day To Get Noticeable Results?

March 25th, 2024


Are you looking to make a difference in your oral posture? Wondering about the ideal duration of practice? How long should you mew per day is a question on the minds of many who want to fine-tune facial structure. This article aims to answer this question and give you practical advice while introducing you to the useful mewing tools to aid your journey.

Table of Contents

What is Mewing?

man with long hair smiling - How Long Should You Mew Per Day

Mewing, as discovered by Dr. John Mew, focuses on correcting tongue posture to its appropriate position on the roof of the mouth, known as the maxilla. This position stimulates the growth of the maxilla, providing more space for teeth, alleviating misalignment. 

This adjustment can also increase the volume of the airway, reducing the chances of sleep apnea and can develop the jaw muscles and improve the jawline. This method can also reduce jaw pain, crooked teeth, and other medical conditions. 

Time Considerations for Mewing

Since mewing is not a proven medical procedure, it is difficult to determine the exact duration for which you should mew per day. Instead, practitioners typically recommend maintaining a consistent practice over time to observe benefits. 

While some suggest starting with a few minutes a day and gradually increasing the time, others advise against setting a specific session length, as each person's progress can vary. Some professionals recommend integrating mewing into daily habits, such as during waking hours, to encourage consistency and maximum effectiveness. 

Consistency and Commitment

While the exact time needed for mewing is not fixed, consistency and commitment are crucial for this practice to be effective. Regularly engaging in mewing exercises is vital for achieving visible changes in facial structure and health conditions. 

By incorporating mewing into your daily routine and consistently practicing it, you may observe improved jawline definition, better breathing patterns, alignment of teeth, and reduced jaw pain. To experience these benefits, consider making mewing a part of your daily habits and maintaining the practice over time.

10 Potential Benefits of Mewing

man showing jaw posture - How Long Should You Mew Per Day

1. Improving Jaw Posture

Mewing helps to promote proper alignment of the jaw, which can lead to improved jaw posture over time. By maintaining the correct position of the tongue on the roof of the mouth, the muscles in the jaw area are activated, resulting in better jaw posture.

2. Reducing Double Chin

Mewing can assist in reducing the appearance of a double chin by toning the muscles in the jaw and neck area. As the tongue rests on the roof of the mouth, it helps to strengthen the muscles in the lower face, leading to a more defined jawline.

3. Achieving Symmetrical Facial Structure

By regularly mewing, individuals can promote a more symmetrical facial structure. Proper tongue posture can help to balance facial muscles and tissues, resulting in a more harmonious appearance.

4. Improving Receding Chin

Mewing has been shown to aid in the development of a more prominent chin. By engaging the muscles in the lower face through proper tongue placement, mewing can help improve the projection of a receding chin.

5. Developing Higher Cheekbones

Regular mewing can also contribute to the development of higher cheekbones. By activating the muscles in the face, mewing can help define and lift the cheekbones, enhancing facial aesthetics.

6. Helping with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Mewing may assist in alleviating symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) by promoting proper alignment of the jaw and reducing strain on the temporomandibular joint.

7. Assisting with Bite Problems

By encouraging proper tongue posture, mewing can help align the teeth and jaws, potentially improving bite problems such as overbite or underbite.

8. Reducing Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Mewing can help reduce snoring and symptoms of sleep apnea by promoting better tongue posture and airflow in the mouth and throat.

9. Correcting Head and Body Posture

Mewing can contribute to better head and body posture by engaging muscles in the face and neck, which can have a positive impact on overall posture.

10. Enhancing Oral Health

Maintaining proper tongue posture through mewing can lead to better oral health by promoting proper alignment of the teeth and jaws.

Become more attractive with LooksMax AI

LooksMax AI helps you to become more attractive. All you have to do is take a selfie, and LooksMax analyzes your masculinity, jawline, eyes, hair, skin, and other features. We rate you out of 10 based on this. The next step is to learn how to look better. Looksmax provides tips to help you to become more attractive. 

Here are some example tips for hair health improvement: 

  • Use shampoo 2x a week

  • Avoid paraben and sulfate conditioners

  • Incorporate scalp massages into your routine

With these tips, you can become your most attractive self.

Become more attractive with LooksMax AI — download LooksMax on the App Store or Google Play for free today to start your journey towards becoming more attractive and ‘Chad-like’.

Related Reading

What Is Mewing
Mewing Exercises
Different Chin Types
Hard Mewing
What Does Mewing Do To Your Face
Mewing And Tongue Chewing

How Long Should You Mew Per Day?

woman adding token of time - How Long Should You Mew Per Day

Mewing experts suggest that you should mew for 20-30 minutes daily to get noticeable results.It is advised not to perform mewing for prolonged periods, especially as a beginner. Gradually increasing the mewing time each day is recommended to prevent side effects due to mewing. By following this approach, you can expect to see positive changes in your facial structure and appearance over time.

Enhancing Attractiveness with Personalized Tips

LooksMax AI helps you to become more attractive. All you have to do is take a selfie, and LooksMax analyzes your masculinity, jawline, eyes, hair, skin, and other features. We rate you out of 10 based on this. The next step is to learn how to look better. Looksmax provides tips to help you to become more attractive. 

Here are some example tips for hair health improvement: 

  • Use shampoo 2x a week

  • Avoid paraben and sulfate conditioners

  • Incorporate scalp massages into your routine

With these tips, you can become your most attractive self.

Become more attractive with LooksMax AI — download LooksMax on the App Store or Google Play for free today to start your journey towards becoming more attractive and ‘Chad-like’.

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How Long Does it Take To Learn Mewing?

time ticking - How Long Should You Mew Per Day

Correct tongue posture is extremely important to get desired results by mewing. For a beginner, it can take up to several months to master this technique. By practicing regularly, anyone can learn how to mew properly.It's not just about doing it right—the key to success is consistency. 

Mewing for the Best Results

Improper technique can hinder your results. To make the most of your mewing, you have to understand the importance of mewing properly. Only then can you expect to see the results you desire.

The Best Mewing Schedule 

Rather than putting a time limit on how long you should mew each day, focus on the quality of your practice. Mewing for 10 minutes each day can be more effective than doing it haphazardly throughout the day. By setting aside a specific time each day for mewing, you can ensure that you're doing it correctly and consistently.

Unlocking Your Attractive Potential with LooksMax AI

LooksMax AI helps you to become more attractive. All you have to do is take a selfie, and LooksMax analyzes your masculinity, jawline, eyes, hair, skin, and other features. We rate you out of 10 based on this. The next step is to learn how to look better. Looksmax provides tips to help you to become more attractive. 

Here are some example tips for hair health improvement: 

  • Use shampoo 2x a week

  • Avoid paraben and sulfate conditioners

  • Incorporate scalp massages into your routine

With these tips, you can become your most attractive self.

Become more attractive with LooksMax AI — download LooksMax on the App Store or Google Play for free today to start your journey towards becoming more attractive and ‘Chad-like’.

Can Mewing Too Much Be Bad? Side Effects of Mewing

man looking at camera - How Long Should You Mew Per Day

The problem with mewing too much and in the incorrect posture is that it can lead to a host of side effects, which can negatively impact your health and wellbeing. Below are some of the detrimental side effects of mewing excessively:

Worsen Bite Problems

Incorrect mewing technique can exacerbate existing bite issues, such as malocclusion or overbite. When you press your tongue too hard against the roof of your mouth, it can alter the positioning of your teeth and worsen your bite problems over time.

Cause Tooth Misalignment

Mewing with excessive force can push your teeth out of alignment, leading to crooked teeth or other dental issues. It’s crucial to maintain a gentle but firm pressure on the roof of your mouth to avoid any negative effects on your dental structure.

Pain and Discomfort in Jaw, Muscles, Neck, Teeth, etc.

Overzealous mewing can cause pain and discomfort in various areas of your face, including your jaw, muscles, neck, and teeth. Exerting excessive pressure on your facial muscles may result in soreness and tension, which can be quite uncomfortable.

Unsymmetrical Facial Structure

Incorrect mewing posture can lead to an asymmetrical facial structure. Since mewing involves applying pressure on the roof of your mouth, doing it too much or improperly can cause one side of your face to develop differently from the other, resulting in an uneven facial appearance.


Mewing excessively can also trigger headaches due to the strain it puts on your facial muscles and jaw. This can lead to tension headaches, which can be quite debilitating and affect your overall quality of life.

Mewing should be done in moderation and with the correct technique to avoid these side effects and achieve the desired results.

Elevating Your Appearance with LooksMax AI

LooksMax AI helps you to become more attractive. All you have to do is take a selfie, and LooksMax analyzes your masculinity, jawline, eyes, hair, skin, and other features. We rate you out of 10 based on this. The next step is to learn how to look better. Looksmax provides tips to help you to become more attractive. 

Here are some example tips for hair health improvement: 

  • Use shampoo 2x a week

  • Avoid paraben and sulfate conditioners

  • Incorporate scalp massages into your routine

With these tips, you can become your most attractive self.

Become more attractive with LooksMax AI — download LooksMax on the App Store or Google Play for free today to start your journey towards becoming more attractive and ‘Chad-like’.

Become A Chad and Become More Attractive With LooksMax AI

LooksMax AI is an incredible tool that helps individuals enhance their appearance and become more attractive. It all starts with taking a selfie. LooksMax analyzes your facial features like your jawline, eyes, hair, and skin to rate your overall attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10. You can even compare your score with your friends on the app. 

Tailored Recommendations for Personal Enhancement

But the best part comes next - getting personalized tips on how to improve your looks. For example, you can learn how to take better care of your hair by washing it twice a week, avoiding paraben and sulfate conditioners, and incorporating scalp massages into your routine. 

Begin Your Transformation Journey with LooksMax

By following these tips, you can boost your looks and become the best version of yourself. If you're ready to transform your appearance and want to learn more about how to look better, download LooksMax for free today on the App Store or Google Play. Start your journey towards becoming more attractive and 'Chad-like' right now.

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